The Settings menu on the iPhone + iPad contains many options and settings which are used to customize and fully realize all the features available in LogTen. The Settings menu can either be found in the Account tab on the iPhone or in the sidebar menu on the iPad.
Within Settings there are 5 sections:
The My Logbook tab contains several general settings.
- Typical Role = choosing a typical role will make fields visible that are common to the jobs listed. These are:
- Student
- General Aviation
- Instructor
- Commercial
- Military
- Airline First Officer
- Airline Captain
- Flight Attendant
- Default Pay Rate = for more information, please see {link to Pay Rate Calculation}
- Duty Pay Rate = pay rate that will be multiplied by Total Duty to determine earnings
- Flight Pay Rate = pay rate that will be multiplied by Total Time + Push Time to determine earnings
- Scheduled Pay Rate = pay rate that will be multiplied by Sched Total to determine earnings
- Trip Pay Rate = This will be multiplied by the total duration of the trip as determined by the Start and End times. In this example, a per diem rate was inputted to be calculated over the duration of a multi-day trip. Note: If you are paid a day rate, use the value of the day rate divided by 24
- Trip Pay includes Flt Pay = toggle this on if flight pay is not added to trip pay.
- New Flights as Pilot Flying = toggle this on if you want all new entries to have the PF box checked.
- Auto Fill Landings = here you can choose if you want takeoffs and landings auto-filled with a 1 on new entries. Options are:
- Always = a takeoff and landing will always be auto-filled in new entries
- Only when Pilot Flying = a takeoff and landing will be auto-filled in new entries when the PF checkbox is checked.
- Never = a takeoff and landing will never be auto-filled
- Save Photos to Camera Roll = toggle this on if you wish to have images taken within the LogTen Pro app to also be saved to your device's camera roll.
The Time Calculations tab has options that relate to how time is used and displayed.
- Calculate From = choose which type of times Total Time will be calculated from. If these fields are filled out, then Total Time will be automatically calculated. Choices are:
- Out / In (From Block Out to Block In)
- Hobbs (From Hobbs Out to Hobbs In)
- Tach (From Tach Out to Tach In)
- Taxi Start / Stop
- Off / On
- Deduct Relief from Total Time = toggle this on the have Relief time automatically subtracted from Total Time. Please see Relief Time for more information.
- Adjust Total Time By / Amount = add a number here if using Calculate From for Total Time, and you would like to increase or decrease that time by a specific amount for every entry. This can be set to adjust by Percent or Minutes.
- Auto-Fill Times = here time fields can be selected to be automatically filled by Total Time.
- Show Clock Time Auto-Fill Buttons = this will make buttons next to fields that can use the system clock time visible and usable. These include On / Off and duty time fields.
- Duty Time Defaults = for more information, please see {link to How to Log Duty Time}
- Minutes Before Schd Out = On Duty will be filled with the Scheduled Out (Or Out if no Scheduled Out) minus this number.
- Minutes After Arrival = Off Duty will be filled with the In time plus this number.
- Flight Duty Time Defaults = for more information, please see {link to How to Log Duty Time}
- Default to On Duty & Actual In = toggle this on to have the FDP Start and FDP End default to the same times as On Duty and In, respectively.
- Minutes Before Schd Out = FDP Start will be filled with the Scheduled Out (Or Out if no Scheduled Out) minus this number
- Minutes After Arrival = FDP End will be filled with the In time plus this number.
The Display Options tab has settings that affect how information is viewed in LogTen.
- Time Format = this will determine how time is displayed in LogTen. Be advised that changing the format can change times, due to mathematical constructs. However, the format can always be changed back and the original time is preserved.
- Show hundredths = will display time in 0.00 format as opposed to 0.0.
- Use Zulu (UTC) Time = toggle this on if you wish to enter and/or display times in UTC. This can be changed back and forth, but times must be entered according to what is set here.
- Show All Dates and Times in = If Use Zulu (UTC) Time is not on, this drop-down list will appear. You can choose Local, which will use the time zone based on the Place associated with the time entry (i.e. From for a Block Out), or a specific time zone.
- Application Theme = the coloring of LogTen Pro can be changed from light or dark here. It can also be set to change automatically based on time of day or to follow the settings of the iPhone + iPad system.
- Theme Switch Gesture = toggle this on to have control over the application theme using a gesture.
- Application Icon = choose the appearance of the LogTen app icon here.
- Night Vision Warnings Disabled = LogTen Pro will automatically warn the user if proceeding to a screen with a brightness that may harm night vision. Toggle this on to have these warnings disabled.
- Lat/Long Format = choose your preferred format for entering and viewing latitudes and longitudes.
- Number of Recent Items = choose the number of "recents" which will be displayed in the pop-up list when filling out Aircraft, Types, Places, and People.
- Preferred Identifiers
- Places = choose which place identifier you would like to use for entries. Choices are:
- Identifier
- Name
- Aircraft = choose whether you want the Aircraft ID or Secondary ID used for entries.
- Person = choose whether you want the Name or the ID of a Person to be used for entries.
- Places = choose which place identifier you would like to use for entries. Choices are:
- Flight List = flight lists are under the logbook tab, and filtered flight lists are displayed in many other areas.
- Show Crew = toggle this on to show the crew in the flight list entry
- Show Date Index = toggle this on to have the flight list divided into months
- Show BLock Instead of Total Time = toggle this on to have block time shown on the flight list.
The Notifications tab has settings for using automatic notifications pertaining to flights, duties, and certificates.
- Future Flights = a notification will be displayed based on the Scheduled Out time of an entry.
- Minutes Before to Notify = choose the amount of time before the flight that you wish to be notified.
- Future Duty Periods = a notification will be displayed based on the On Duty time of an entry.
- Minutes Before to Notify = choose the amount of time before the duty time that you wish to be notified.
- Expiring Certificates = a notification will be displayed based on the expiration date of a certificate. For more information on Certificates, please see Overview of Certificates Tab on iPhone + iPad.
- Days Before to Notify = choose the amount of time before the certificate expires that you wish to be notified.
The About tab has a variety of information and links.
- Version = displays which version of LogTen Pro you are running. This information can be helpful when communicating with support.
- Social = tap a social networking icon to connect with Coradine on the respective platform.
- App Store Review = tap here to leave a review of LogTen in the App Store.
- Sticker? = tap here to see how to get a LogTen sticker
- Collect Statistics = decide whether you want the application analytics to be reported to Coradine for product improvement. This can also be helpful when troubleshooting issues with technical support.
You can also view the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service by tapping on each.
Additional assistance with this or any other LogTen issue is available here or by contacting support in the app by going to Help > Contact Support.
The Preferences menu on Mac contains many options and settings which are used to customize and fully realize all the features available in LogTen. To navigate to the Preferences menu, click on LogTen > Preferences.
Preferences are split into 13 different tabs:
General preferences can be set here.
- Typical Role = choosing a typical role will make fields visible that are common to the jobs listed. These are:
- Student
- General Aviation
- Instructor
- Commercial
- Military
- Airline First Officer
- Airline Captain
- Flight Attendant
- Flight Time Format = this will determine how time is displayed in LogTen. Be advised that changing the format can change times, due to mathematical constructs. However, the format can always be changed back and the original time is preserved.
- Show two decimal places = will display time in 0.00 format as opposed to 0.0.
- Show Calendar Groups for = this will change the number of years visible in the Calendar Groups, which group entries based on calendar time. These are located in the Logbook Tab under Logbook on the left-hand side panel.
- Show Months = check this box to further group entries into months, as shown in the example below.
- Recent Items = choose the number of "recents" which will be displayed in the pop-up list when filling out Aircraft, Types, Places, and People.
- All Dates and Times are Zulu (UTC) = check this box if you wish to enter and/or display times in UTC. This can be changed back and forth, but times must be entered according to what is set here.
- Track ALL Times in = If the All Dates and Times are Zulu (UTC) box is not checked, this drop-down list will appear. You can choose Local, which will use the time zone based on the Place associated with the time entry (i.e. From for a Block Out), or a specific time zone.
- Calculate Total Time From = choose which type of times Total Time will be calculated from. If these fields are filled out, then Total Time will be automatically calculated. Choices are:
- Out / In (From Block Out to Block In)
- Hobbs (From Hobbs Out to Hobbs In)
- Tach (From Tach Out to Tach In)
- Taxi Start / Stop
- Off / On
- Adjust total by = add a number here if using Calculate Total Time from for Total Time, and you would like to increase or decrease that time by a specific amount for every entry. This can be set to adjust by Percent or Minutes in the list to the right.
- Preferred Place Identifier = choose which place identifier you would like to use for entries. Choices are:
- Identifier
- Name
- Auto-fill place data = check this box if you would like Place data (such as Lat/Long) automatically filled in from the included database when using a new Place for the first time.
- Preferred Aircraft ID = choose whether you want the Aircraft ID or Secondary ID used for entries.
- Preferred Person ID = choose whether you want the Name or the ID of a Person to be used for entries.
- Lat/Long Format = choose your preferred format for entering and viewing latitudes and longitudes.
- Font Size = font size for data in entries can be adjusted here
- Collect Statistics = decide whether you want the application analytics to be reported to Coradine for product improvement. This can also be helpful when troubleshooting issues with technical support.
Selecting items on this tab will make the field visible on the Logbook tab - both as a column in the grid view and in the Flight section on the right-hand side panel. Data entered into the field is saved whether or not the field is visible.
- Entry Type = a drop-down list where the type of entry can be chosen. These are:
- Flight
- Positioning
- Non-flying
- Simulator Duty
- Airport Reserve
- Airport Standby
- Home Reserve
- Home Standby
- Flight # = the flight number of the entry
- Distance = distance can be calculated automatically based on the lat/long of the Places in the From, Route and To fields. The Places must have a lat/long entered for them for this to function properly. For more information, please see Overview of Places Tab.
- From = the departure Place
- Route = intermediate Places on the flight
- To = the destination Place
- Aircraft ID = identification data of the aircraft, based on the ID set for the Aircraft. For more information, please see Overview of Aircraft Tab.
- Type = the aircraft Type. For more information, please see Overview of Types Tab.
- Scheduled Out = the scheduled departure time for the flight. It can be used to plan and avoid flight duty limitations.
- Scheduled In = the scheduled arrival time for the flight.
- Sched Total = if the above two fields are filled in, this will automatically show the scheduled total time.
- Out = the block out time for the flight. Will be used for Total Time calculation if Calculate Total Time from: Out / In is chosen on the General tab.
- In = the block in time for the flight. Will be used for Total Time calculation if Calculate Total Time from: Out / In is chosen on the General tab.
- Block = will show the block time based on Out and In if those fields are filled out.
- Taxi Start = the time taxi commenced. Will be used for Total Time calculation if Calculate Total Time from: Taxi Start / Stop is chosen on the General tab.
- Taxi Stop = the time taxi stopped. Will be used for Total Time calculation if Calculate Total Time from: Taxi Start / Stop is chosen on the General tab.
- Total Push Time = will show the taxi time based on Taxi Start and Taxi Stop if those fields are filled out.
- Off = the time the flight lifted off. Will be used for Total Time calculation if Calculate Total Time from: Off / On is chosen on the General tab.
- On = the time the flight landed. Will be used for Total Time calculation if Calculate Total Time from: Off / On is chosen on the General tab.
- Air Time = will show the total time in the air based on Off and On if those fields are filled out.
- Arrival = the difference between Scheduled In and In, if those fields are filled out.
- Hobbs Out = the Hobbs meter time at the beginning of the flight
- Hobbs In = the Hobbs meter time at the end of the flight
- Tach Out = the tachometer time at the beginning of the flight
- Tach In = the tachometer time at the end of the flight
Selecting items on this tab will make the field visible on the Logbook tab - both as a column and under the Time section on the right-hand side panel. Data entered into the field is saved whether or not the field is visible.
The Time tab is further divided into three sub-tabs, which are:
- Standard
- Custom
- Advanced
This tab has many commonly used fields.
If an Auto fill from total time box is checked, the time above the box will be filled out with the same time as Total Time, wether Total time was manually filled out or automatically calculated.
- PIC = pilot-in-command time.
- SIC = second-in-command time.
- Night = night time. If the Calculate from Out / In box is checked, the night time will be automatically calculated based on the Out and In times and the associated Lat/Long of the From and To Places.
- XC = cross-country time.
- Dual Rcvd = dual received time - time flown with an instructor.
- Dual Given = dual given time - time flown as an instructor.
- IFR = time flown under Instrument Flight Rules. Please see Instrument Time: IFR vs Actual Inst what's the difference? for more information.
- Actual Inst = actual instrument time - time operating the aircraft using instruments as a sole reference.
- Sim Inst = simulated instrument time. Time flown "under the hood."
- P1u/s = pilot-in-command under supervision
- Multi-pilot = time flown in an aircraft which requires more than one pilot
- Relief = relief time taken on the flight. Please see Relief for more information.
- Flt Eng (SO) = flight engineer or second officer time
- Solo = time spent as the sole occupant of the aircraft
- Ground = ground instruction received time
- Simulator = time spent flying a simulator or flight training device. Please see How Should I Log My Simulator/Training Device Time? for more information.
- SFI/SFE = time spent as a simulator flight instructor or a simulator flight examiner
- NVG = time using night vision goggles
This tab is used to create your own time fields.
To create your own time field, click on the field and type in the desired name. Click on the checkbox to make it visible. You can also choose to have the field auto-fill from Total Time. Remember that this information can be used when creating Smart Groups.
This tab has fields that are not used commonly but can be very helpful. Most of these fields will populate automatically.
At the top are Special night fields which you can use to further designate how much of your Night time was logged in specific situations. For most logging scenarios LogTen Pro will automatically fill in this data. But if you log multiple seat positions in the same entry (PIC & SIC) or if you log less seat time than Total time (Relief or Long-Haul flying) than you may need to designate how the Night time is appropriated. Please see How do I Track "Day" Flight Time? for more information.
You can designate:
- PIC Night
- SIC Night
- P1u/s Night
- Dual Rcvd Night
- Relief Night
- XC Night
Below the Special night fields, are three sections associated with the Type tab data. The data selected in these three sections will appear in the Logbook tab as reference only columns. You can view and sort these columns but they are not editable from the Logbook tab. To make changes to this data something must be adjusted in the Types tab.
- Time by Engine Type = Will make a field visible that will be filled with Total Time and based on the Engine Type of the Aircraft Type used in the entry. The Engine Type of the Aircraft Type is viewable in the Types Tab.
- Time by Aircraft Category = Will make a field visible that will be filled with Total Time and based on the Aircraft Category of the Aircraft Type used in the entry. The Aircraft Category of the Aircraft Type is viewable in the Types Tab.
- Time by Aircraft Class = Will make a field visible that will be filled with Total Time and based on the Aircraft Class of the Aircraft Type used in the entry. The Aircraft Class of the Aircraft Type is viewable in the Types Tab.
Selecting items on this tab will make the field visible on the Logbook tab - both as a column in the grid view and under the Duty section on the right-hand side panel. Data entered into the field is saved whether or not the field is visible.
The Duty tab is further divided into three sub-tabs, which are:
- Duty Periods
- Capacities
- Custom
Duty Periods
This tab is used to make different types of common duty fields visible.
- Rest Before Duty = Will be filled with the total time from the last Off Duty logged to the On Duty of this entry, showing the total rest time before this duty period.
- On Duty = time that duty began.
- Default to = On Duty will be filled with the Scheduled Out (Or Out if no Scheduled Out) minus this number.
- Off Duty = time that duty ended.
- Default to = Off Duty will be filled with the In time plus this number.
- Total Duty = the total time between On Duty and Off Duty.
- FDP Start = the beginning of the Flight Duty Period
- Default to = FDP Start will be filled with the Scheduled Out (Or Out if no Scheduled Out) minus this number.
- FDP End = the end of the Flight Duty Period
- Default to = FDP End will be filled with the In time plus this number.
- Total FDP = the total time between FDP Start and FDP end
- Scheduled Rate = pay rate that will be multiplied by Sched Total to determine earnings
- Flight Rate = pay rate that will be multiplied by Total Time + Push Time to determine earnings
- Duty Rate = pay rate that will be multiplied by Total Duty to determine earnings
- Total Earnings = total earnings for the flight. Total Earnings may be one of two formulas:
- Duty Earnings (Duty Rate x Duty Hours) + Flight Earnings (Total Time x Flight Rate), or
- Duty Earnings (Duty Rate x Duty Hours) + Scheduled Earning (Scheduled Total Time x Scheduled Rate)
All of these fields are checkboxes. Checking the box in an entry will have various effects depending on the field.
- Pilot Flying = acted as the PF. This will autofill a takeoff and landing if Auto-fill takeoffs and landings: Only when Pilot Flying is selected in Preferences > Landings.
- Relief Crew = acted as a relief crew member. Will auto-fill Relief with Total Time.
- Landing = indicates that a landing was made. Will auto-fill a takeoff and a landing.
- FAA Part 1 PIC = indicates the flight was made as PIC as defined by CFR 14 Part 1
- PIC/P1 = acted as PIC. Will auto-fill PIC with Total Time.
- FAA Part 61 = indicates that the flight was made under Part 61 rules in some capacity.
- SIC/P2 = acted as SIC. Will auto-fill SIC with Total Time.
- FAA Part 91 = indicates the flight was made under Part 91 rules.
- Under Supervision = acted under supervision. Will auto-fill P1u/s with Total Time.
- FAA Part 121 = indicated the flight was made under Part 121 rules.
- IFR = indicates the flight was made under IFR. Will auto-fill IFR with Total Time.
- FAA Part 135 = indicates the flight was made under Part 135 rules.
- Flight Engineer = acted as the flight engineer or second officer. Will auto-fill Flt Eng (SO) with Total Time.
Checkboxes for any information can be made here.
To create your own field, click on the field, and type in the desired name. Click on the checkbox to make it visible. Remember that this information can be used when creating Smart Groups.
This tab is used to make fields visible where you can write the names of people in different roles. For more information on People, please see Overview of People Tab.
The tab is divided into two sub-tabs, which are:
- Standard
- Custom
Here, common flight operation roles can be made viewable.
- PIC/P1 Crew = name of the pilot-in-command
- Instructor = name of the flight, simulator or ground instructor
- Purser = name of the purser or officer in charge of money
- SIC/P2 Crew = name of the second-in-command
- Student = name of the student pilot
- Attendant (2,3,4) = name(s) of the flight attendant(s)
- Commander = name of the aircraft commander
- Observer (2) = name(s) of any observer(s)
- Engineer = name of the flight engineer
- Relief Crew (2,3,4) = name(s) of relief pilot(s)
- Pilot Count = total number of pilots
- Total Pax = number of passengers
- Bus. Pax = number of business passengers
Fields for People of any type can be created here.
The Custom tab is divided into two halves - one for Crew and one for Passengers. To create your own field, click on the field, and type in the desired name. Click on the checkbox to make it visible. Remember that this information can be used when creating Smart Groups.
This is where takeoff and landing fields can be made visible.
The Landings tab is divided into two sub-tabs:
- Standard
- Custom
Common types of takeoffs and landings are found here.
- Day T/O = a takeoff made during daylight hours
- Day Ldg = a landing made during daylight hours
- Night T/O = a takeoff made during night hours
- Night Ldg = a landing made during night hours
- Water T/O = a takeoff made from the water in an amphibious or float plane
- Water Ldg = a landing made on the water in an amphibious or float plane
- Autolands = a landing made using the autoland function of the aircraft
- Full Stops = a landing made to a full stop
- does not count as a landing for the Total Landings criteria in the default currency groups.
- Touch & Goes = a landing followed immediately by a takeoff without coming to a stop
- does not count as a landing for the Total Landings criteria in the default currency groups.
- Shipboard T/O = a takeoff made from a ship
- Shipboard Ldg = a landing made on a ship
- NVG T/O = a takeoff made using night vision goggles
- NVG Ldg = a landing made using night vision goggles
- Catapults = a takeoff made using a catapult aboard an aircraft carrier
- Arrests = a landing made using arresting wires aboard an aircraft carrier
- FCL = field carrier landing
- Bolters = a touch down aboard a carrier that failed to come to a stop and went around
- Auto Fill Takeoffs and Landings = here you can choose if you want takeoffs and landings auto-filled with a 1 on new entries. Options are:
- Always = a takeoff and landing will always be auto-filled in new entries
- Only when Pilot Flying = a takeoff and landing will be auto-filled in new entries when the PF checkbox is checked.
- Never = a takeoff and landing will never be auto-filled
Fields for takeoffs and landing of any type can be created here.
The Custom tab is divided into two halves - one for takeoffs and one for landings. To create your own field, click on the field, and type in the desired name. Click on the checkbox to make it visible. These do not count as a landing for the Total Landings criteria in the default currency groups.
Remember that this information can be used when creating Smart Groups.
Instrument Approaches, Holds, and other operations are made visible here.
The Operations tab is divided into two sub-tabs:
- Standard
- Custom
Here are common operations such as instrument approaches and holds.
- Approach 1 (2,3...) = this is where approaches are logged. The fields are set up in a particular format.
In the Operations section on the right-hand sidebar, the data in the field is graphically separated:
The same data is represented in the ledger portion of the Logbook tab in a textual format of (number of approaches; type of approach; runway; place):
- Holds = number of holding patterns made
- CatII = number of category two approaches made
- CatIII = number of category 3 approaches made
- Go Arounds = number of go around or missed approaches made
- Aero Tows = number of glider tows made with a powered aircraft
- Pwrd Launches = number of tows to altitude made while flying a glider
- Grnd Launches = number of launches made with a winch while flying a glider
Here custom operations of any kind can be made. Anything that can be logged as a whole number can be created here. If a decimal point is needed in the data, use a Custom Time field instead.
To create your own field, click on the field, and type in the desired name. Click on the checkbox to make it visible. Remember that this information can be used when creating Smart Groups.
The Notes tab has a variety of fields that can be made visible to enhance the logging experience.
The Notes tab is divided into four sub-tabs:
- Standard
- Weather
- Fuel
- Custom Notes
Here information common to logbook entries and flight operations can be made visible.
- Remarks = similar to a remarks column common in a paper logbook. Any textual data can be entered.
- Flight Review = a checkbox to indicate that a flight review took place
- IPC/ICC = a checkbox to indicate than an instrument proficiency or competency check took place
- Use Code = aircraft usage indication
- Expenses = a dollar amount for expenses on the flight
- Payload = a number to indicate the weight of the payload
- Leg = indicates which leg number of the trip the entry is
- Legs = indicates how many legs the entry covers
- Caution = will display a yellow triangle if there are conflicts with currency and/or limit groups. Please see InSight feature for more information.
- Flag = will display a small red "flag" for entry marking purposes
- Journal = makes the journal section visible in the right-hand side panel. Here you can add images of the flight and record journal entries:
- Relevant Certificates = enables you to associate certificates with the entry. For more information, please see Overview of Certificates Tab.
- Image 1 (2,3...) = makes fields for images in the journal section. These fields can be renamed, but will only hold image file data.
The Weather tab has fields to record the conditions of the flight.
- Weather = any pertinent phenomena
- Sky = amount of sky coverage
- Visibility = amount of visibility
- Cloudbase = height of ceiling
- Wind Direction = direction of the wind
- Wind Velocity = speed of the wind
The Fuel tab has fields to record fuel figures of the flight.
- Fuel Aboard = total fuel prior to departure
- Fuel Added = fuel added prior to departure
- Minimum Fuel = minimum fuel required for the flight
- Before Uplift = fuel amount prior to uplift
- Fuel Burned = amount of fuel consumed on the flight
- Uplift = amount of fuel uplifted
- Fuel Remaining = amount of fuel after landing
Custom Notes
Any field that uses text values can be created here.
To create your own field, click on the field, and type in the desired name. Click on the checkbox to make it visible. Remember that this information can be used when creating Smart Groups.
The Sync tab is where the method of syncing is chosen. For more information on syncing, please see How to Sync.
LogTen can work with the Notification functionality of the Mac operating system to notify the user of different events.
- Future Flights = a notification will be displayed based on the Scheduled Out time of an entry.
- Notify me XX minutes before = choose the amount of time before the flight that you wish to be notified.
- Future Duty Periods = a notification will be displayed based on the On Duty time of an entry.
- Notify me XX minutes before = choose the amount of time before the duty time that you wish to be notified.
- Expiring Certificates = a notification will be displayed based on the expiration date of a certificate. For more information on Certificates, please see Overview of Certificates Tab on Mac.
- Notify me XX days before = choose the amount of time before the certificate expires that you wish to be notified.
The Account tab allows you to sign-up, login, and logout of your Coradine account.
If you are not signed in, you can go to the Login sub-tab and enter your account information. If you have forgotten your password, please click Reset Password. Please see How to Reset your Password? for more information.
If you need to sign up for a Coradine account, go to the Signup sub-tab and complete the fields. Please see Creating a Coradine Account for more information.
If you are already signed into your Coradine account, you can logout by clicking the Logout button.
For more information on your Coradine account, please see Account & Subscriptions.
The Store tab is where subscriptions can be viewed and purchased.
The Store tab is divided into two sub-tabs:
- Purchased
- Store
The Purchased tab shows what subscription is currently active.
The Restore Purchases button can be used to retrieve active subscriptions after a new login or when a new subscription becomes active.
The Store sub-tab shows additional subscriptions that are available for LogTen.
You can also view the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service by clicking on their respective buttons.
For more information on subscriptions, please see Account & Subscriptions.
The Backup tab in Preferences is where you can select which backup services will appear in the backup feature. By disabling either service, any existing backups will still remain in that cloud location and will reappear if enabled again.
For more info on the In App Backup feature on the Mac, please see this article: In App Backup
Additional assistance with this or any other LogTen issue is available here or by contacting support in the app by going to Help > Contact Support.
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