Importing data from other eLogbooks

If you want to get started with LogTen, or are already using it but some of your data is in a different eLogbook, we will more than likely be able to get this data migrated to LogTen, saving you countless hours transferring your flights. This means that you will be able to make the most out of all the LogTen features (Smart Groups, Currencies, Limit Groups, hundreds of reports, MyWorldView, inSight feature, Coradine signatures, Audit tools, to name only a few), while keeping the information that has been previously logged elsewhere.

Below, you will find a list of other logbook providers. If you click/tap on the appropriate one, you will find information on how to get your information across.

If your provider is not listed below, or your data is in a different format (such as spreadsheet or CSV), please let us know by starting a new support discussion here, and we will be more than happy to take a look at the data you have and let you know if we are able to help.




You can export your logbook as a CSV file through ForeFlight on the web.  You will need to log in with your ForeFlight credentials and go to the Logbook page and select "Export."


Image 1.  Export via ForeFlight on the web by logging in and going to the Export page and select "Export."

You can then use our Import from File feature to convert it into LogTen. Or send us the file and we can help!


Your logbook can be exported in a spreadsheet format from Garmin by clicking on the Logbook tab at the top, and selecting Export, under the "Setup" menu.

Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 12.26.11 PM.png

Once "Export" is selected, you will be prompted to generate two exports:

  • One for Log Entries and, 
  • One for Aircraft Types

Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 1.34.07 PM.png

Please generate them both, and you can either use our Import from File feature to convert it into LogTen. Or send us the file and we can help!


To export you your data as a digital spreadsheet simply open your MyFlightBook app, tap on the Logbook tab, then select Download.



Next select the CSV export option.



Now your CSV logbook export will download to your computer. 

From here just compress it into a zip folder and attach it to your support email ticket. We'll take care of the rest!

RB Logbook

You should be able to export your flight, aircraft and crew data from RB Logbook in a CSV (Comma Separated Values file) which can be imported into LogTen.

If you are using a Mac, you can import this data yourself using our Importing spreadsheet files article. If you are using iOS, or want us to do it for you, we can definitely do that!

To export the data from RB Logbook, you will have to export three files: one for Flights, one for Aircraft and another one for People. To do this, on the RB Logbook app, tap on the "More" tab at the bottom right, and tap on "Import & Export Data". In the new screen, you should see an "Export to CSV" option.

  • If you only have Aircraft Type and Aircraft ID information associated with your Aircraft (ie: there are no notes, serial numbers, other information, etc), there is no need to export the "Aircraft" file, as the registrations and Aircraft Type will be exported in the "Flights". Any additional aircraft information will not be included, so the "Aircraft" file will have to be exported as well.
  • Similarly, if you only have "Name" and "Surname" information for your Crews, there is no need to export the People file as this information is also exported in the "Flights" file. If you have any additional information such as Crew IDs, email addresses or telephone numbers, it will be neccesary to export the "People" file to ensure that all the information gets transferred to LogTen.

Choose a date range (or toggle "All Flights") and select, under "report type" which file you want to export, and tap on "Generate Export".



This will generate a file that you can email to yourself, save on your iPhone/iPad, or share with us to import it for you!

If you want us to perform the import, or if you have any other questions, please get in touch with us by creating a new support ticket here, we'll be more than happy to get the file converted and imported into LogTen!

Crew Lounge

To export your Crew Lounge logbook out for import into LogTen you will need to open your Crew Lounge logbook and tap on the Query button you'll see in the image below.





This will take you to the next screen with a date range to export and an **Export Data** button with 2 options: Excel and CSV. For this export please choose the entire date range that you want to be imported into LogTen and then choose CSV.




From here Crew Lounge will automatically save your file as a CSV file, and let you know where it was saved on your computer.




We are able to convert most users of mccPILOTLOG software. You may try the steps below or send us your MCC Pilot Log backup and we'll take care of the conversion for you. Conversions are offered as a complimentary service.

Exporting your logbook from mccPilotLog

  1. Open your logbook in mccPilotLog software
  2. Go to the Query page (F3)
  3. Press the search key (F10) to show all records
  4. Press the EXPORT button for a XLS (Excel) or CSV (Comma Separated Values) file to be saved to the desktop. If you will be importing the data yourself into LogTen please choose the CSV option.


If you are importing your data by yourself

Check out this Knowledge Base article: Importing your Data to LogTen

Let us migrate your mccPILOTLOG logbook to LogTen for you!

Please send us your exported logbook (.csv file) by starting a new support discussion here. Our fantastic support staff will be more than happy to get the file converted and imported into LogTen for you.

If you have flight entries or other data in the new LogTen that you would like to merge with the mccPILOTLOG file, please send us your current logbook file first. Instead of importing your data to a new file, we will add it to your existing logbook, and send back the complete data set.

  • On the iPhone or iPad, go to the More tab, select Help, and tap Contact Support.
  • On the Mac, go to the Help menu, and select Contact Support.

Enter your email address (it may automatically populate from your account), and select the send logbook for testing option. Please also include a short note about the data import in the message box, so our staff will know what the request is referring to. Hit Send and it will send a message to our support center with a copy of your logbook file attached.

After sending the file, please refrain from making further changes or additions, since the complete logbook we send back will need to replace the logbook file in the app. Finally, let me know you have sent your logbook in a reply here so that I'll receive the message directly. I'll retrieve your file, import your data, and send back your complete logbook soon.

Logbook Pro

Logbook Pro will allow you to export your data as a .BAK or .LBK file and we've had excellent results with the .BAK exports.

See page 128 of this document for instructions:

  • Please make sure that the file is Unencrypted so that we can access the data and convert it for you!

Please send the file to us and we'll be happy to convert and import your complete data!


APDL allows your data to be exported as a spreadsheet. See this video for more details:

Step-by-Step Instructions below:

  • In APDL there is an Export Data button. Select this.
  • On the next screen, there are some options that should be selected as such:
    • Date Range = All from the dropdown and UTC
    • Collation = By Leg
    • Include Deadheads =  Not recommended, but if you check this please be sure to let us know!
    • Export Times in = UTC
  • Select Get Flights
  • Finally, select Download CSV File

Please send the file to us and we'll be happy to convert and import your complete data!


To find your FlightLevel files, look in the following location:

 C:\Program Files\FlightLevelXXXX\Flights 
Note: The "XXXX" above is the version of Flight Level (probably 2003).


Compress the file up and send us the entire resulting "Flights" folder. This folder should contain files in a .dbf format).


The desktop version of ZuluLog will allow you to export your digital logbook as a .CSV file that we can then help import into LogTen.

1. With your ZuluLog logbook open on your computer, click on the green icon at the top right of your Zulu logbook screen.


Next, a new window will appear asking you if you would like to export your logbook out as a CSV file. Click on the green button that says "Create CSV".


Note: If you use Safari please follow the instructions as per the window above.

Then, simply contact us and we will be happy to help you format and get your CSV spreadsheet logbook imported into LogTen!

SkyLog Pro

SkyLog Pro version 5.x

For SkyLog Pro 5 send us your BACKUP folder, which should have a file inside labeled LOGBOOK.DBF.

SkyLog Pro version 6.x

For SkyLog Pro 6, records need to be exported from the app. Export your flight entries by going to File >> "Export Flight Records" (see screenshot). Next, if you have simulator entries, export them by going to File >> "Export Sim Records". Then send us both of those files.


Note: The Standard Skylog version is missing a menu item to export the simulator records, but you can download the "Pro" version from their website and export the simulator records that way.

Pilots Pal
We can only offer support for versions of Pilots Pal that have a "Data.sqlite" file. Please send us your "Data.sqlite" file and we will convert it into a csv file and import it into LogTen.
You can export your logbook in FlightLog and use this for an import into Logten!
This can be done by going to SYNC -> Dropbox, login to your account, and select Export CSV. Your exported file should then be in your Dropbox saved as exportCSV.csv


13 out of 13 found this helpful


  • I'd like to know if I cam export Excel data to log ten pro.

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  • Hi josefredmarinho - Spreadsheet data can be imported into the Mac app of Logten. You can reference this article for specific info,

    If you don't have the Mac app contact us and we'd be happy your help.

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  • Hi, I've been using since 2005 or so but it's long since been abandoned yet somehow still barely works. It e-mails me a backup .tsv file every two weeks, do you have any experience importing logbooks from to LogTen Pro? I tried on the Mac app but the formatting didn't go through quite right.

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  • Hi Joe

    We can usually import spreadsheet files. We would have to take a look at the file to know for sure. Go ahead and submit a ticket from this page and include the TSV file. Our support team will let you know.

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