Logbook Tab

 iOS  Mac

The Logbook menu contains all the aspects and data sets of your Logbook. It contains the following selections:


Flights & Duties

This is the home for all your logbook entries. In this section, you can create new flights, search your flights, or view your flights as a list or on a calendar.

Create a New Flight

To create a new entry, tap the  symbol in the upper-right corner. 


Calendar View

Tap the calendar icon in the upper-right corner to see the calendar view.


  • Any day with a Dot indicates a logbook entry on that day. Multiple entries in a day will still display a single dot.

  • A Long dash spanning days (21st and 22nd of May in the above example) indicates a flight that crosses midnight. 

  • The highlighted day (30 September in the above example) indicates the current day.

  • When a day is selected in the Calendar (15 October in the above example) the flight list below will scroll to show that day.

  • If a day is selected with no flights (no dot) the flight list will scroll to the nearest flight after the selected day.

  • The Calendar months can be scrolled by swiping up and down.

  • The Calendar will also work in conjunction with the Date Index on the right side of the flight list. Simply scroll your finger up and down over the Date Index years and the Calendar view will scroll as well. If you do not see the Date Index you can display it by going to More > Settings > Display Options > Show Date Index. 

You can search for People, Places, Aircraft, and text in the Remarks field using the search bar at the top of the tab.



Share Button

Tap the share button in the upper left corner to interface the logbook with select sites. 



Logbook Entry Details Page

When an entry is selected from the list, you can view all the details of that entry. Which fields are visible is determined by "configuring" the logbook using the Action button in the top right. The Action button can also be used for adding, signing, and sharing individual entries.

Action Button

Tap on the Action Button "..." in the upper-right corner to perform a variety of actions.




Please see Configuring the Logbook tab on iOS for more detialed instructions on configuring your logbook.

The entry details are divided into 9 sections:


The flight section has a variety of general information.


Available fields in the flight section are:

  • Aircraft ID  = identification data of the aircraft, based on the ID set for the Aircraft. For more information, please see Overview of the Aircraft Tab for iPhone + iPad
  • Aircraft Type = the aircraft Type. For more information, please see Overview of Types Tab for iPhone + iPad
  • Arrival = the difference between Scheduled In and In, if those fields are filled out.
  • Block = will show the block time based on Out and In if those fields are filled out.
  • Distance = distance can be calculated automatically based on the lat/long of the Places in the From, Route and To fields. The Places must have a lat/long entered for them for this to function properly. For more information, please see Overview of Places Tab on iPhone + iPad
  • Entry Type = a drop-down list where the type of entry can be chosen. These are:
    • Flight
    • Positioning
    • Non-flying
    • Simulator Duty
    • Airport Reserve
    • Airport Standby
    • Home Reserve
    • Home Standby
  • Flight #  = the flight number of the entry
  • From = the departure Place
  • Hobbs In = the Hobbs meter time at the end of the flight
  • Hobbs Out = the Hobbs meter time at the beginning of the flight
  • In = the block in time for the flight. Will be used for Total Time calculation if Calculate From: In / Out is chosen in More > Settings > Time Calculations > Time
  • Off = the time the flight lifted off. Will be used for Total Time calculation if Calculate From: Off / On is chosen in More > Settings > Time Calculations > Time
  • On = the time the flight landed. Will be used for Total Time calculation if Calculate From: Off / On is chosen in More > Settings > Time Calculations > Time
  • Out = the block out time for the flight. Will be used for Total Time calculation if Calculate From: In / Out is chosen in More > Settings > Time Calculations > Time
  • Route = intermediate Places on the flight
  • Scheduled In = the scheduled arrival time for the flight.
  • Scheduled Out = the scheduled departure time for the flight.
  • Tach In = the tachometer time at the end of the flight
  • Tach Out = the tachometer time at the beginning of the flight
  • Taxi Start = the time taxi commenced. Will be used for Total Time calculation if Calculate From: Taxi Start / Stop is chosen in More > Settings > Time Calculations > Time
  • Taxi Stop = the time taxi stopped. Will be used for Total Time calculation if Calculate From: Taxi Start / Stop is chosen in More > Settings > Time Calculations > Time
  • To =  the destination Place



All times are logged in this Time section. The way time is displayed (Hours Decimal, Hours:Minutes, or Hours+Minutes) can be selected in More > Settings > Display Options.


Available fields in the time section are:

  • Actual Inst = actual instrument time - time operating the aircraft using instruments as a sole reference. Please see Instrument Time: IFR vs Actual Inst what's the difference? for more information.
  • Air Time = will show the total time in the air based on Off and On if those fields are filled out.
  • Dual Given = dual given time - time flown as an instructor.
  • Dual Rcvd = dual received time - time flown with an instructor.
  • Dual Rcvd Night = will fill with the Night time on an entry which had Dual Rcvd time logged.
  • Flt Eng (SO) = flight engineer or second officer time
  • Ground = ground instruction received time
  • IFR = time flown under Instrument Flight Rules. Please see Instrument Time: IFR vs Actual Inst what's the difference? for more information.
  • Multi-pilot = time flown in an aircraft which requires more than one pilot
  • NVG = time using night vision goggles
  • Night = time flown at night.
  • P1u/s = pilot-in-command under supervision
  • PIC = pilot-in-command time.
  • PIC Night = will fill with the Night time on an entry which also has PIC time logged.
  • Relief = relief time taken on the flight. Please see Relief for more information.
  • Relief Night = will fill with the Relief Time on an entry which also had Night time logged.
  • SFI/SFE = time spent as a simulator flight instructor or a simulator flight examiner
  • SIC = second-in-command time. 
  • SIC Night = will fill with the Night time on an entry that has SIC time logged.
  • Sched Total = if the above two fields are filled in, this will automatically show the scheduled total time.
  • Sim Inst = simulated instrument time. Time flown "under the hood."
  • Simulator = time spent flying a simulator or flight training device. Please see How Should I Log My Simulator/Training Device Time? for more information.
  • Solo = time spent as the sole occupant of the aircraft
  • Total Push Time = will show the taxi time based on Taxi Start and Taxi Stop if those fields are filled out.
  • XC = cross-country time.
  • XC Night = will fill with the Night time on an entry that has XC time logged.
  • Custom Fields = There are 20 custom fields in the time section that can be re-labeled and used for anything that uses time as data.



Duty times and capacities are logged in the Duty section. Please see {link to How to Log Duty Time} for more information on Duty.


Available fields in the duty section are:

  • Rest Before Duty = Will be filled with the total time from the last Off Duty logged to the On Duty of this entry, showing the total rest time before this duty period.
  • On Duty = time that duty began. 
  • Off Duty = time that duty ended.
  • Total Duty = the total time between On Duty and Off Duty.
  • FDP Start = the beginning of the Flight Duty Period
  • FDP End  = the end of the Flight Duty Period
  • Total FDP = the total time between FDP Start and FDP end
  • Scheduled Rate = pay rate that will be multiplied by Sched Total to determine earnings
  • Flight Rate = pay rate that will be multiplied by Total Time + Push Time to determine earnings
  • Duty Rate = pay rate that will be multiplied by Total Duty to determine earnings
  • Total Earnings = total earnings for the flight may be in one of two formulas:
    • Duty Earnings (Duty Rate x Duty Hours) + Flight Earnings (Total Time x Flight Rate), or
    • Duty Earnings (Duty Rate x Duty Hours) + Scheduled Earning (Scheduled Total Time x Scheduled Rate)
  • Pilot Flying = acted as the PF. This will autofill a takeoff and landing if Auto-fill Landings: Only when Pilot Flying is selected in More > Settings > My Logbook.
  • Relief Crew = acted as a relief crew member. Will auto-fill Relief with Total Time.
  • Landing = indicates that a landing was made. Will auto-fill a takeoff and a landing.
  • FAA Part 1 PIC = indicates the flight was made as PIC as defined by CFR 14 Part 1
  • PIC/P1 = acted as PIC. Will auto-fill PIC with Total Time.
  • FAA Part 61 = indicates that the flight was made under Part 61 rules in some capacity.
  • SIC/P2 = acted as SIC. Will auto-fill SIC with Total Time.
  • FAA Part 91 = indicates the flight was made under Part 91 rules.
  • Under Supervision = acted under supervision. Will auto-fill P1u/s with Total Time.
  • FAA Part 121 = indicated the flight was made under Part 121 rules.
  • IFR = indicates the flight was made under IFR. Will auto-fill IFR with Total Time.
  • FAA Part 135 = indicates the flight was made under Part 135 rules.
  • Flight Engineer = acted as the flight engineer or second officer. Will auto-fill Flt Eng (SO) with Total Time.
  • Custom Fields= There are 20 custom fields in the duty section that can be re-labeled and used for anything that uses a yes/no answer as data.

Names of crew members are logged in the crew section. The names will be stored as People. Please see Overview of People Tab on iPhone + iPad for more information on People.


Tap the Swap PIC/P1 Crew and SIC/P2 Crew to transpose the respective crew roles after a seat change.

Available fields in the crew section are:

  • Attendant (2,3,4) = name(s) of the flight attendant(s)
  • Commander = name of the aircraft commander
  • Engineer = name of the flight engineer
  • Instructor = name of the flight, simulator or ground instructor
  • Observer (2) = name(s) of any observer(s)
  • PIC/P1 Crew = name of the pilot-in-command
  • Pilot Count = total number of pilots
  • Purser = name of the purser or officer in charge of money
  • Relief Crew (2,3,4) = name(s) of relief pilot(s)
  • SIC/P2 Crew = name of the second-in-command
  • Student = name of the student pilot
  • Custom FieldsThere are 5 custom fields in the time section can be re-labeled and used for any other crew positions.

Takeoff and landing fields are located here.


Available fields in the landings section are:

  • Arrests = a landing made using arresting wires aboard an aircraft carrier
  • Autolands = a landing made using the autoland function of the aircraft
  • Bolters = a touch down aboard a carrier that failed to come to a stop and went around
  • Catapults = a takeoff made using a catapult aboard an aircraft carrier
  • Day Ldg = a landing made during daylight hours
  • Day T/O = a takeoff made during daylight hours
  • FCL = field carrier landing
  • Full Stops = a landing made to a full stop
    • does not count as a landing for the Total Landings criteria in the default currency groups.
  • NVG Ldg = a landing made using night vision goggles
  • NVG T/O = a takeoff made using night vision goggles
  • Night Ldg = a landing made during night hours
  • Night T/O = a takeoff made during night hours
  • Shipboard Ldg = a landing made on a ship
  • Shipboard T/O = a takeoff made from a ship
  • Touch & Goes = a landing followed immediately by a takeoff without coming to a stop
    • does not count as a landing for the Total Landings criteria in the default currency groups.
  • Water Ldg = a landing made on the water in an amphibious or float plane
  • Water T/O = a takeoff made from the water in an amphibious or float plane
  • Custom Fields = There are 20 custom fields in the landing section that can be re-labeled and used for anything that uses whole numbers as data.

The operations section has fields to log specific operations such as approaches and holds.


Available fields in the operations section are:

  • Aero Tows = number of glider tows made with a powered aircraft
  • Approach 1 (2,3...) = this is where approaches are logged.
  • CatII = number of category two approaches made
  • CatIII = number of category 3 approaches made
  • Go Arounds = number of go around or missed approaches made
  • Grnd Launches = number of launches made with a winch while flying a glider
  • Holds = number of holding patterns made
  • Pwrd Launches = number of tows to altitude made while flying a glider
  • Custom Fields = There are 20 custom fields in the operations section that can be re-labeled and used for anything that uses whole numbers as data. If a decimal point is needed in the data, use a Custom Time field instead.

Names of passengers are logged in this section. The names will be stored as People. Please see Overview of People Tab on iPhone + iPad for more information on People.


Available fields in the Passengers section are:

  • Bus. Pax = number of business passengers
  • Total Pax = number of passengers
  • Passenger 1 (2,3...) = There are 20 Passenger fields which you can re-label.

The Notes tab has a variety of fields to enhance the logging experience.


Available fields in the notes sections are:

  • Before Uplift = fuel amount prior to uplift
  • Cloudbase = height of the ceiling
  • Expenses = a dollar amount for expenses on the flight
  • Flag = will mark entry - can be used to filter entries in a Smart Group
  • Flight Review = a toggle to indicate that a flight review took place
  • Fuel Aboard = total fuel prior to departure
  • Fuel Added = fuel added prior to departure
  • Fuel Burned = amount of fuel consumed on the flight
  • Fuel Remaining = amount of fuel after landing
  • IPC/ICC = a toggle to indicate than an instrument proficiency or competency check took place
  • Leg = indicates which leg number of the trip the entry is
  • Legs = indicates how many legs the entry covers
  • Minimum Fuel = minimum fuel required for the flight
  • Payload  = a number to indicate the weight of the payload
  • Remarks = similar to a remarks column common in a paper logbook. Any textual data can be entered.
  • Sky = amount of sky coverage
  • Uplift = amount of fuel uplifted
  • Use Code = business usage indication
  • Visibility = amount of visibility
  • Weather = any pertinent phenomena
  • Wind Direction = direction of the wind is coming from
  • Wind Velocity = speed of the wind
  • Custom FieldsThere are 10 custom fields in the operations section that can be re-labeled and used for anything that uses text as data.

 You can toggle the entry as locked or unlocked in the options section.


Locking an entry will prevent any modifications to the entry unless it is "unlocked". All entries that have signatures associated with them will be automatically locked. For more information, please see Getting My Logbook and Endorsements Signed in LogTen.


An image can be attached to the entry by tapping the camera icon at the bottom of the logbook tab. You can choose an existing image in your camera roll, or take a new one with the camera.

11.PNG   12.PNG

For all the other selections within the Logbook, please go to their individual articles using the links below:

Additional assistance with this or any other LogTen issue is available here or by contacting support in the app by going to More > Help > Contact Support

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