We've redesigned LogTen's layout on iOS!
Some of the information and/or images on this page may look a little bit different. We're working on updating our articles. In the meantime, you can read about the changes here.
iOS Default Pay Rates
- Unlike the Mac app which has Pay Rates under People, the iOS settings are under More >> Settings >> My Logbook
- Aircraft Types Hourly Pay Rate is also under specific Aircraft Type. You will need to configure the display field to make the Hourly Pay Rate field visible.
- Currency Symbol is based on your device settings.
- The case below is using British Pound (£)
Pay Rate Settings
- On the Mac, go to Preferences >> Duty >> Duty Periods >> Pay
- In this Pay section, you can choose the Pay fields visible on your Logbook tab
- Available Fields: "Schedule Rate", "Duty Rate", "Total Rate", "Flight Rate"
- Scheduled Rate: Based on your Scheduled OUT and Scheduled IN time
- Duty Rate: Based on your On Duty and Off Duty time
- Flight Rate: Based on your OUT and IN time
- Total Earnings: Calculated Earnings
- You can modify any of these fields manually per entry, or using the default rates option (see below)
- The calculation is based on
- Duty Earnings (Duty Rate x Duty Hours) + Flight Earning (Total Time x Flight Rate), or
- Duty Earnings (Duty Rate x Duty Hours) + Scheduled Earning (Scheduled Total Time x Scheduled Rate)
Default Rates
- Each entry pay rate can be different. You can set up the rate based on that particular entry.
- If you set up the default rates, when you add a new logbook entry, this default rate will copy to your new entry
- To activate the default pay rate:
- Go to People Tab
- Find your name
- Choose the option "This is me"
- Default Hourly Pay Rates option will be visible
- To activate the default pay rate:
For the Trip pay rate function, please refer to Overview of Trips Tab
Pay Rate by Aircraft Type
- You can set up a different rate for a specific aircraft type
- Go to Types tab >> Select the specific Aircraft Type >> find Hourly Pay Rate option
- When you enter this aircraft type on the new logbook entry, this hourly pay rate will copy to the "Flight Rate" field on the new entry.
👎🏻 Not helpful. I am on a continous duty, 4 day longhaul trip with an hourly rate wether I fly or not. How do I fill my logbook out for log ten to calculate my earnings?
Hi Nickgixer
The Trip section of LogTen should be able to accomodate this. You can create a 4 day trip and assign an hourly rate for the duration of the Trip. See: https://support.coradine.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047858834-Trips-Tab
Still not helpful Thomas. Let me suggest an example. I fly to Dakar africa and have a 48 hr layover. Only two legs of flying i get paid my hourly rate. However I don't just get paid my per diem (which can change based on location) but also my guaranteed rate of 5:15 mins per day while not flying. Is there a way to do this in Logten? Because I have yet to figure it out.
Hi Andrew
You could put an hourly rate in for your 48-hour layover, then you can choose to "Include Flight Pay" into your Trip total. But if your hourly rate is variable that sounds like it might be a bit more complex than the app can handle. I would suggest making a support request with your exact needs so we can include it in our feature requests.
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