Places Tab

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 iOS  Mac

The Places tab is where all of the locations used in the logbook are managed and edited. LogTen has a database of thousands of places throughout the world, with associated data such as latitude, longitude, and time zone preloaded. Places are used in the FromToRoute, and Approach fields. 


Adding a New Place

The most common way to add a new Place will be when making a new entry in the logbook From or To fields. Anytime a location is added in the Logbook tab it is added into the Places database. Selecting the FromToRoute, or Approach fields will automatically bring up the Places tab.

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Once the Places tab is open, tap the + in the upper-right corner to add a new Place. Type in the ICAO or IATA identifier. Airports with not ICAO or IATA code may be found by typing in the Name of the airport. This will automatically populate the other fields. Tap on Places in the upper-left corner, and you will be returned to the logbook entry with the new place in the field which was being edited.

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Configuring Fields

Additional fields are available in the Places tab, and any type of information can be stored by using Custom Fields. Navigate to a Place, and then tap on the ... in the upper-right corner. Tap on Configure Fields. Then, tap on Configure Section... 

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Now you can turn on or off any fields you wish. For the Custom fields select the title to rename it. Then turn the field on by tapping the slider on the right. Tap Back when the desired fields are chosen.

You can re-order the fields by tapping and dragging on the right side of the field. When complete, tap Done.

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Adding a Custom Place

If the Place is not in the database, it can be added manually. Tap the + symbol in the top right corner, and then fill in as much information as desired.

  • Identifier = This is the ID that LogTen Pro will use for the Place. The identifier displayed in the field will be based on what is chosen to be the "preferred identifier" in More > Settings > Display Options > Places.
  • Timezone = It is important to choose a timezone for the new Place if it is an airport and you calculate Total Time based on On/Off or Out/In times.
  • ICAO = This is the ICAO code for the place. If it is a custom place, this probably will not be necessary as if it has an ICAO code, it should be in the preinstalled database.
  • IATA = This is the IATA code for the place. If it is a custom place, this probably will not be necessary as if it has an IATA code, it should be in the preinstalled database.
  • Name = this is the name of the Place. 
  • Beacon Type = choose the beacon type (lighted-land, etc.) if the place is an airport.
  • City, State, Country = fill out if desired.
  • Lon  = fill out the longitude of the Place. This is important for accurate night time and distance calculation. The chosen format for Lat/Long is displayed in More > Settings > Display Options.
  • Lat  = fill out the latitude of the Place. 
  • Elevation = fill out the elevation if desired and applicable.
  • Magnetic Variation = fill out if desired
  • Notes = any notes about the place can be stored here.
  • Type = here you can choose the type of place it is, whether it's an airport, GPS fix,, VOR or a custom fix.
  • Home Base = Choose if this is your home base, if desired.
  • CONUS Rate = Per diem rates by Place for the Continental US (CONUS) are used in the Overnight Report. These values must be entered with a currency symbol ($22).
  • OCONUS Rate = Per diem rates by Place for outside the Continental US (OCONUS) are used in the Overnight Report. These values must be entered with a currency symbol ($22)

Turn the Default selection on if you would like this Place to be automatically chosen for the From airport in a new logbook entry. Turn the Favorite selection on to have the Place displayed at the top of the list.

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Tapping on Departing Flights... will bring up a list of all the logbook entries which used that Place in the From field. This works in the same way for Arriving Flights... Departing Trips... Arriving Trips... and  Expenses... Tapping on the map in the upper-right corner will show a map of these flights.

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Sharing Places

Please see Share Flights, Aircraft, People, Groups, and more... for more information on sharing places.

Deleting a Place

To delete a Place, swipe to the left on the Place in the Places tab. Confirm deletion after reading the warning. 

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Additional assistance with this or any other LogTen issue is available here or by contacting support in the app by going to More > Help > Contact Support.

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