Flight Audit Report

We are excited to introduce a new report that you can download into LogTen. It's called the Flight Audit Report and it will help get your logbook in top shape.

Click here to download Flight Audit Report version 1.2

After downloading the report we suggest you restart your application. The new report can be found in the My Reports section of the Reports tab titled Flight Audit Report. The report is updated occasionally so, to verify you have the latest version, compare the version number listed on the cover page of the report to the version listed in the download link above. 

The audit report analyzes your data and runs it against a collection of preset criteria of common errors. Any entry that meets the criteria will be displayed in the report. You can then look further at the entry to decide if a correction is needed. Sometimes the report will flag a flight that is correct. For example, a Balance Forward entry might get flagged for being over 24 hours. No problem, you can use the Custom Duty 18 field to exclude any entry from the report. By Selecting the Custom Duty 18 field, the entry will be ignored the next time you run the report. Some of the criteria utilize the Entry Type field to differentiate and exclude certain types of flying. If you do not have the Entry Type field set to display you can do so by Configuring the Logbook tab

The report will be divided into sections based on the below criteria. These criteria sections will only display if there is an entry to display in that section. If any of the below sections do not display it means no entries were captured by the report for that section criteria.

Entries over 24 hours
This section will display if there is an entry in which the Total time is greater than 24 hours. If you log many flights in a single entry or have Balance Forward entries then those entries may display even thought hey are correct in those cases you can use the Custom Duty 18 field to designate those entries as good. If a single flight is captured, however, then the cause is most often related to the OOOI times (Out-Off-On-In) being out of order. For example, an ON time that is later than an IN time. We suggest looking at these OOOI times as well as the scheduled times if the issue is still not visible.
Entries without Total Time
This section will display if there is a past entry (not a future entry) that has an Entry Type designation of Flight, and no Total time logged. If you have a Simulator, Positioning (Deadhead), Reserve, Standby, or Other Duty that gets populated in this section and is not in error, then please make sure the Entry Type designation is set appropriately for the entry.
Entries without a Type
This section will display if there is an entry that has an Entry Type designation of Flight, and no Type logged. If you have a Simulator, Positioning (Deadhead), Reserve, Standby, or Other Duty that gets populated in this section and is not in error, then please make sure the Entry Type designation is set appropriately for the entry.
Entries where total seat time (PIC/SIC/Dual/P1US) is different than Total time
This section will display if Total time ≠ PIC + P1u/s + SIC + Dual Rcvd in any entries. As with the other sections, double-check any entries that get captured in this section for accuracy. Just a couple of examples, you may log only Solo time (without PIC time), or you may log both Dual Rcvd & PIC in the same entry. If that is the case then you will want to use the Custom Duty 18 field to exclude those entries from being captured in the report.
Entries where total night seat time (PIC/SIC/Dual/P1US) is different than total night time
This section will display if you have Night time that is not being added up correctly for the individual seat positions logged in an entry. For the majority of logging, this is not something you would need to address. But if you log multiple seat positions in a single entry, such as military logging or logging multiple legs in a single entry, then you may need to specify how Night is applied. Another situation when this might appear is if you log less seat time than Total time with partial Night. To correct issues in this section you will need to turn on the seat specific Night fields of PIC NIght, P1u/s Night, SIC Night, Dual Rcvd Night. On iOS, you can configure the fields within the Time section. On Mac, go to Preference > Time > Advanced.
Sim entries with Simulator Time logged in a Non-Simulator Type
This section will display if there is an entry with time logged in the Simulator time field but the Type logged in the entry is entered as a non-simulator Category. For example, suppose you fly an A320 and when you went to do your Sim session you logged it in your A320 Type (same as your flights). See this article for more info on logging Simulator Types: Logging Simulator/Training Device Time
Entries with no Simulator Time logged in a Simulator Type
This section is sort of the reverse of the above. This will display if there is an entry without time logged in the Simulator time field but the Type logged in the entry is entered as a Simulator Category. The Simulator Categories are Simulator, Training Device, and PCATD. If the Type is in error it can be corrected in the Types tab.
Possible Duplicate Entry
This section will display if you have flights that contain either an actual Out time or a Scheduled Out time and the following data is identical: Date, From/To, Flight #, and Total Time. The entry must contain an actual Out time or a Scheduled Out time for it to be included in this section.
Entries without a Category
This section will display if there is a Type entry that is missing Category information.
Entries without a Class
This section will display if there is a Type entry that is NOT designated as a Category of Simulator, Training Device, or PCATD and is missing the Class information.
Entries without an Engine Type
This section will display if there is a Type entry that is NOT designated as a Category of Simulator, Training Device, or PCATD and is missing the Engine Type information.

Excluding a Flight Entry from the report

If a flight entry is showing up in the report but has been verified to be correct, you can use the Custom Duty 18 field to exclude the entry from the report. See Configuring the Logbook tab for info on configuring your logbook.

  • On the Mac app, go to Preferences > Duty > Custom > Custom 18
  • On the iOS app, go into any Logbook entry and select the Action button (3 dots upper-right). Then select Configure Fields > Configure Section (under Duty) > Custom 18

Screen_Shot_2020-06-16_at_7.27.01_PM.png IMG_80B4C794844A-1.jpeg

You can even rename these fields to whatever you want such as Verified(seen below), Exclude, No Audit, etc. Then all you have to do is check the box before you run the report again. When you are done using the audit report you can configure your fields to not display that field anymore. 



 Additional assistance with this or any other LogTen issue is available here or by contacting support in the app by going to More > Help > Contact Support 









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