Exporter Reports

The Exporters menu in the Reports tab is a place where you can export your data, or sections of data, as a .txt spreadsheet (Tab), a .ics calendar file (ICS), or a .kml Google Earth file (KML).


Exporters_.png image.png

Spreadsheet Exporters

These TAB delimited Exporters will generate a spreadsheet file with a .txt extension. This is a type of spreadsheet file that you can open and edit in any spreadsheet program such as Numbers or Excel. The Export Flights (Tab) can also be used as a data backup. 

  • Address Book Export = Exports the data from the People tab
  • Dynamic Export Flights = Exports your Flights using only the fields you have set to display in your Logbook tab.
  • Export Aircraft = Exports the data from the Aircraft tab
  • Export Aircraft Types = Exports the data from the Types tab
  • Export Certificates = Exports the data from the Certificates tab
  • Export Flights (Tab) = Export your Flights using every field available in LogTen
  • Export Places (Tab) = Exports the data from the Places tab
  • FFDO Exporter - Exports your Flights suitable for FFDO purposes

Calendar Exporters

These ICS formatted Exporters will generate a file with a .ics extension which can be used to import into Apple's Calendar app.

  • Export Flights (ICS) = Exports flight information such as City Pair, Scheduled Duration, Actual Duration, Duty Times, Crew, and Distance
  • Exports Trips (ICS) = Exports the data from the Trips tab

Google Earth Exporters

These KML formatted Exporters will generate a file with a .kml extension which can be used to import into Google Earth. Please see this article for more info about exports to Google Earth.

  • Export Places (KML) = Exports the data from your Places tab which will show pin locations only on the map.
  • Flights with Routes = Exports the data from your Places tab which will show pin locations plus route lines as per the screenshot below



Other Exporters 

Crew Alert = Exports your Flights for use with the CrewAlert iOS application by Jeppesen. The report only appears on the LogTen iOS application



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