We've redesigned LogTen's layout on iOS!
Some of the information and/or images on this page may look a little bit different. We're working on updating our articles. In the meantime, you can read about the changes here.
With LogTen's MyWorldView you can now view your flights on a world map from the iOS app. To access this feature go to Radar > Analyze then tap any group. All Flights, Last 28 days, any smart group, etc.
The in the next screen select the Show Map option.
You will see an image of your flights on a map. The map can be scrolled and zoomed as needed. It will depict the From / To airports in your Logbook as well as any airports listed in the Route field.
For this feature to work correctly, the airports in your logbook must have the Lat/Long data completed. You can check this by going to More > Places and selecting any airport. If the data is not complete, re-typing the ICAO identifier into the ICAO field then tabbing out of the field will populate the data from the LogTen database.
Can this map somehow be printed poster size?
Thank you
Hi crsarnelli
Printing the map is one of the popular requests we get. I'll add you to the list of requesters. Thanks for the feedback
I'd like that feature too.
PDF/printer option would be cool, but is there a way to zoom it out further? I can’t even get all my flights from this year on my iPhone screen.
Thanks for the feedback yannickiob,
A printer-friendly version of the Map is a highly requested feature. It is definitely on our radar.
Will we be able to do this form our desktop?
Hi jonathan1994orourke
We have several requests for this to be available on the Mac app. But I don't have any updates on if or when this will happen.
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