With LogTen's "Apply Auto Enter Times to Selection" feature you can easily populate time fields based on the Total Time of a flight (or use the In/Out times of the flight to calculate night time). This works great in instances where you want to populate a time field based on a certain criteria where you can use LogTen to sort your flights based on this criteria.
Here are some examples of when this feature can prove useful:
1. You want to log all of your time in a Multi-Engine aircraft as Cross Country time.
2. Or you forgot to log your time in a certain aircraft as Multi-Pilot time.
3. Or you did an import and need a certain date range of flights logged as PIC time. It also works in cases where you need a certain time field populated for all flights in your logbook.
The first step is to pick which time fields you would like to auto fill. This is done in the LogTen Preferences section. Pick the time you would like to auto fill by selecting the "Auto Fill total time" box under the field. Be sure and turn off "Auto Fill total time" for all fields you do not want to populate with the total time otherwise those fields will auto-fill also.
Next you'll want to organize your flights in an order that will allow you to easily select the flights you would like to apply the auto enter feature to. As an example, you can sort your flights by date if you need to fill a time field based on a date period. If you are trying to auto populate times based on a Type then you would sort your flights by the Type column.
Next select the flights you wish to edit using a shift-select. Select the first flight you would like to edit, scroll down/up to find the last flight you would like to edit, hold down the shift key and select the last flight.
When you are ready to auto populate the selected flights go to the Logbook menu at the top and select "Apply Auto Enter Times to Selection."
Your logbook should now update your chosen Auto Fill time fields with the total time for each individual flight. This is much easier than having to manually enter times for hundreds of flights for a field which you may have forgotten to log.
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