Save Time With Auto-Fill Times

 iOS  Mac

In most cases, we, as pilots, will need to enter the same value for several types of flight time, and these will be the same for a certain phase of our flying. For example, a student will most likely be entering the same values for Total Time and Dual Received on every flight, at least until they start flying solo. On the other hand, most airline pilots will be entering either PIC/P1 or SIC/P2 on every flight, so why should they have to type it in every time they enter a flight? They don't if they're using LogTen, of course. 

On iOS, go to More > Settings > Time Calculations > Auto-Fill Times. You can then select/deselect all the fields you would like to auto-fill.

In addition, once Total Time has been logged, you can quickly add time to other fields based on Total Time using the "USE" blue box, which will auto-fill that time to the field in question:


Now, whenever the Total Time value is changed, either by typing in a new value or by changing the Actual Departure or Actual Arrival times the ticked times will be updated as well. When you make that first solo, or get that sweet airline job you've worked so hard for, just go back to the Time tab and change it as needed.

These times will populate in the background even if you do not have them set to display in your logbook. So if PIC is set to auto-fill, and you do not have the PIC time field displayed in your logbook, the time will still populate in the background. Displaying or not displaying your times does not affect the auto-fill functioning.

Night is the exception

The only time field that does not auto-fill from Total time is Night. Night is calculated from the Out & In time fields only. So in order for Night to auto-fill you must log Out & In times.

Enter your total time, and let LogTen do the rest...

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  • Are you guys gonna add a “scan” feature to read and autofill the OOOI times from the acars? That would be most helpful

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  • Yes please scanning OOOI with the camera would be great.

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  • +1 I'd love this feature too

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  • Hi darioalfieri

    Thanks for the suggestion! We love feedback from customers and I've noted your request.

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  • YES! Let me scan the FMS Trip Page and let it enter my times!

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  • Scars imports it’s a must, please add this function. Currently LogTen is lacking a daily import function for flight which many other logbooks have.

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  • Hi marcoponti.td5

    Please submit a support request for ACARS import. They can make sure it gets logged appropriately. Thanks for the feedback

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