Extracting Data directly from your iOS device using an iTunes Backup (recommended for LogTen 6 only)

On a Mac computer On a PC computer

If you ever need to obtain a copy of your logbook but are unable to open or export the data from LogTen normally, you can retrieve data directly from your device using the free functionality in the iExplorer app.

About iExplorer

iExplorer is an app developed by Macroplant which allows you to browse and access files directly on your iOS device, without modifying the device in any way. From a familiar file system interface, you can retrieve files from the apps installed on your device, from backups of your device created in iTunes, or even from iCloud.

Finding LogTen Data in an iTunes Backup

  1. Make a backup of your entire device using iTunes on a computer. How to make an iTunes backup. Disconnect your device when the backup is completed.
  2. Download and install iExplorer to your computer.
  3. Open iExplorer. Be sure to click the button that says "Continue with Demo". iExplDemo.jpg
  4. Select the "Browse iTunes Backups" button below the screen that says to connect your device (you do not need to connect your device). Screen_Shot_2018-08-12_at_10.09.44_PM.png

  5. In the next screen select your backup then choose "Backup Explorer."

  6. Expand the "App" folder

  7. Find the LogTen folder by looking for an item titled something like com.coradine.iPhone.LogTenPro6 or com.coradine.iPhone.LogTenProX

  8. Expand the LogTen app folder, and locate the "Documents" directory.

  9. Click and drag the "Documents" to your desktop.

  10. Once on your desktop, right-click (or control+click) on the file, and then select Compress. This will create a "Documents.zip" file that you can attach to an email to our support team.

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