How to upgrade LogTen from a Legacy version

All of your previous LogTen data will seamlessly transfer to the latest LogTen on your devices! It's still a good idea to create a Backup of your logbook data before you upgrade.

Note: Don’t worry about your logbook! This process is read-only, so your logbook file from the previous version will not be altered, and is only copied into the new database format.

Upgrading to LogTen on Mac

The first time you open LogTen, you’ll be presented with a Welcome screen.

  • Choose I'm new to LogTen

    • if you are a new user
    • if you are an existing user but your data currently only exists on an iOS device.
    • if you are using a new computer and your logbook is on a different computer.

Any of the above options will get you into the LogTen app, after which, you can sync your data using either Wifi sync or iCloud sync

  • Chose I am a current LogTen user only if you have a LogTen logbook on the same device (not in iCloud) which needs to be uploaded.


If you are running LogTen 6…

This window will automatically open to the LogTen Data folder. Just click Import, and your data will be migrated into the new version.


Note: If you are upgrading and have your logbook in Dropbox, you'll need to import your logbook into your new LTP differently. To upgrade your logbook and set your default location, press and hold the [ option ] key while starting the new LogTen. Instead of opening the default location, you will be prompted to choose a different logbook, so navigate to your Dropbox folder, and select the folder containing your logbook. Check the box to "Remember this location" and then click Open. Next time LogTen Pro is opened, it will default to the file you have just selected.

If you are running LogTen 5.7.x...

Your logbook is stored as a ".logten" file extension, usually in your Documents folder. It is also generally titled something like "[Your Name]'s Logbook.logten" but you may have saved it differently. Locate and select this file, click Import, and your data will be migrated into the new version.

If you are running LogTen 5.6 or earlier…

Your logbook database requires an additional migration step utilizing older system frameworks. Please contact our support team and attach your logbook file. This will be a file with a “.logten” or a “.ltps” extension, usually saved in your Documents folder.

If you aborted the initial upgrade dialog...

or migrated the wrong logbook, you will have to delete your current logbook to reinstate the import dialog as follows:

  • On your Mac, please close the new LogTen
  • Then open up Finder, press command+shift+g, and put in: ~/Library/Containers/LogTenPro.LogTenProX/Data/Documents/
  • Then delete the LogTenProData folder
  • Launch the new LogTen again and you will be greeted with the new or existing user dialog


Upgrading to LogTen on iPhone & iPad

If you are running LogTen 6.5.x and iOS 11 or later


Your version 6 app should automatically be converted into a transfer app looking like this:


Open the transfer app it it will lead you through the process of transferring your data into the current version of LogTen.




If you are running LogTen 6.5.x and iOS 10 or earlier or if you are running LogTen iPhone 3.2.2, or iPad 1.2.2, or earlier...

Please contact our support team if you have any problems and they can help with the transfer.



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