Importing Airline Schedules in LogTen for Mac

With LogTen for Mac you can import your schedule from an ever growing list of airlines, using a wide range of crew scheduling systems world wide. Watch the video on importing schedules here!



If the web browser you are using gives you trouble, try a different browser. We recommend using Apple Safari for cut-and-paste operations with the schedules. We have seen mixed results with other browsers.

If you are copying from a PDF document, please copy from Acrobat (not Preview) and hit Command A to select all before copying.

Generally all you need to do is:

  • Login to your crew site
  • Open your schedule for the month
  • Select all, and copy to the clipboard (under Edit)
  • Go to LogTen and choose "Import Schedule" from the File menu
  • Paste your schedule in the field provided, select your airline and click continue

Unfortunately we don't have access to the actual airline intranets, just sample schedule data from our users, so we can't provide detailed instructions for every airline. Below are some steps that may help for some.

Learn how to auto-fill scheduled duty periods during or after importing your scheduled times!

Duty Auto Fill for scheduled times

Can you get a CSV file?

If you're company allows you to export your schedule to a .csv (Comma Separated Values) that's even better! ExpressJet and companies using SchedPlus for example, have this option. Then you will use the regular "Import from File" command under the File menu to import your CSV file. You can use this to import historical, or future data as it allows you to map your data where you want in LogTen. For details on importing and how to do this please see our importing article.


  • Log into AIMS and select SCHEDULE DETAILED FORMAT.
  • From within your web browser, chose File -> Save Page As... to save your schedule to your computer. This will save the file in a .htm or .html format.
  • In the AIMS selection of the Import Schedule feature of LogTen Pro, click on the Browse button and locate your saved file, then click on open to begin the import.

Note: AIMS is slowly rolling out an update to it's airlines that changes the way you can save your data. This update prevents saving the data in an importable format. If you find that you cannot save your AIMS data as an html file then please contact us.

Air Canada

  • CrewLink is recommended.
    Note that while the schedule displays in the browser, it is a PDF. Adobe Acrobat must be used for the text to copy properly. It is important you verify you are using Adobe Acrobat plugin for your browser, or open the PDF with Adobe Acrobat prior to copying the contents.
  • Enter the Tracey system on BA's intranet
  • Open a month's roster in the CrewLink section of the intranet.
  • Copy your entire month's roster You cannot load a month's schedule for a month that has already past
  • Paste it into the schedule importer in LogTen.
  • Click Continue, verify the data looks correct and is going where you want it, then hit Import!

United Continental/CCS

  • Open your schedule by hovering over the ‘Schedule’ menu at the top right of the screen
  • Click on “mySchedule”
  • Copy EVERYTHING on the page
  • Paste it into the schedule importer in LogTen.
  • Click Continue, verify the data looks correct and is going where you want it, then hit Import!


  • Select the month you wish to import under the “Schedules” folder in the “Crewmember Menu” to the far left
  • When the schedule displays select “FFDO format” under “Schedule Options”.
    Select the “Include Deadheads” checkbox if you wish to include deadheads.
  • Copy the entire schedule that is displayed
  • Paste it into the schedule importer in LogTen.
  • Click Continue, verify the data looks correct and is going where you want it, then hit Import!



As always, if you have any questions please let us know.

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1 comment
  • Hi, I believe the RYR roster is using Netline is that correct? If so, it would require the roster to be copy from a PDF file opened with Adobe Acrobat. It MUST be Adobe. Other PDF's viewers, such as Preview, will not work.

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